Martha's Vineyard

Ferry from Martha's Vineyard to United States

There are 2 ferry routes operating between Martha's Vineyard and United States offering you combined total of 63 sailings per week. Hy-Line Cruises operates 2 routes, Oak Bluffs to Hyannis runs 6 times per day & Oak Bluffs to Nantucket about 3 times daily.

As the frequency and duration of crossings on some routes varies we would advise that you do a live search for crossings from Martha's Vineyard to United States to get the most up to date information.

Route map

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Ferries from Martha's Vineyard to United States

About Martha's Vineyard:

Martha’s Vineyard is an island just south of Cape Cod in Massachusetts on the east coast of the United States.

Measuring 23 miles wide, it’s the largest island in New England and boasts a scenic coastline, picturesque harbours and high-end cafes, making it one of the more upmarket tourist destinations in the area.

When visiting Martha’s Vineyard, don’t forget your walking boots, as it is blessed with some excellent hiking trails across cliffs and gorgeous beaches. Also, after a day of exploration, be sure to unwind and try some exquisite, locally caught seafood in one of the many independent restaurants.

Due to its proximity to Massachusetts, Martha’s Vineyard is a great departure point for the mainland, with frequent, high-speed crossings provided every day. It’s a useful gateway into Boston in particular, which is just 70 miles from the port of Hyannis in Barnstable, the terminus from the Martha’s Vineyard crossing.

About United States:

The United States, officially known as the United States of America, is a large, complex and diverse country in North America and home to the world’s third largest population.

USA is a land filled with inspiring adventures, stunning natural scenery, vibrant cultures, and cities with endless energy.

Whether you’re looking for natural wonders, vibrant cities, historical landmarks, or entertainment venues, the United States will delight you.